About Levrix

Levrix the next generation antihistamine. Hayfever and allergic reactions cause the body to release a compound called Histamine. It’s these Histamines that create the common hayfever symptoms of runny nose, watery eyes, itchy skin and sneezing.

Levrix works by blocking your body’s Histamine receptors to stop the release of Histamine and allergy symptoms.

The active ingredient in Levrix is called Levocetirizine. It works fast to block Histamine receptors directly at the site where they are needed, giving you targeted strong relief from allergy symptoms for 24 hours.

Levrix is also the only Antihistamine tablet with a unique nasal decongestant action.

One clinical study of more than 7000 patients found that 95% of people that try Levrix, stay on Levrix.* That means that 19 out of 20 hayfever sufferers that tried Levrix kept using it.